📚 Key Concepts
Aristotle's fallacyLaw of inertiaNewton's three lawsForce and types of forcesFree body diagramsConservation of momentumEquilibrium conditionsFriction (static/kinetic)Tension in stringsCircular motion forcesApparent weightPseudo forcesBanking of roads
🎯 Key Formulas
F = map = mvf = μNStatic friction: fs ≤ μsNKinetic friction: fk = μkNCentripetal force: mv²/rConservation of momentum: m₁v₁ + m₂v₂ = m₁v₁' + m₂v₂'Banking angle: tan θ = v²/rgTension in string: T = mv²/r (vertical circle)
⚠️ Common Mistakes to Avoid
Wrong force diagramMissing normal forceFriction direction errorsAction-reaction pair confusionWrong tension directionPseudo force application errorsMass vs weight confusionCentripetal force misconceptionsBanking angle errorsEquilibrium condition errors
📖 Knowledge Prerequisites
Vector conceptsBasic trigonometryMotion in planeVector resolutionNewton's laws understandingBasic algebraCircular motion concepts
💡 Tips for Students
Always draw FBD firstIdentify all forcesChoose proper coordinate systemCheck force directionsApply Newton's laws systematicallyConsider friction carefullyUnderstand apparent weightMaster circular motion forcesPractice equilibrium problemsLearn to identify action-reaction pairs
👉 Practice Recommedations
Free body diagramsForce resolution problemsFriction problemsTension in stringsConnected body problemsCircular motion scenariosBanking of roadsEquilibrium problemsCollision problemsPseudo force applications
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