π Key Concepts
Modern Periodic Law: Properties are periodic function of atomic numbers, p, d, f blocks based on valence electron configurationPeriod: Same n value (horizontal rows)Group: Same outer electronic configuration (vertical columns)Mendeleev vs Modern classification differencesβ
π― Key Formulas
Atomic radius: β group, β periodIonization energy: β group, β periodElectron affinity: β group, β periodElectronegativity: β group, β periodMetallic character: β group, β periodβ
β οΈ Common Mistakes to Avoid
Confusing group and period trendsWrong electronic configurations for exceptionsMixing atomic and ionic radii trendsIncorrect prediction of element propertiesβ
π Knowledge Prerequisites
Electronic configurationQuantum numbersTypes of bondingBasic periodic table layoutβ
π‘ Tips for Students
Learn trends with reasoning, not just directionRemember diagonal relationshipsFocus on exceptions to trendsConnect electronic structure to propertiesβ
π Practice Recommedations
Predict properties based on positionCompare elements' propertiesWrite electronic configurationsExplain trend variationsIdentify elements from propertiesβ
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